Upload History
The Upload History page of the Gemini1 Client Portal is cumulative and historical log of all elements and templates which have been uploaded by a Client User. The Upload History page not only serves as historical record and reference of Client User uploads, but also is crucial in the User's follow through of an uploading of bulk templates to determine that all were successfully uploaded (Results). As are all Gemini1 Reports, the Upload History, when utilized as a report for reconciliation of historical archive, may be downloaded into Excel and/or .CSV formats. Upload History pages are also paginated in order to navigate through the report on-screen.
Upload History Page Field Definition and Functionality
User - Client User who performed the upload within the line item.
Upload Date - The User has the option to select a specific subset of Uploads, uploaded on a single date or within a certain period of time. Upon clicking within the date range section (below the Upload Date field header), the User will first toggle left to choose a month, other than the current month if applicable and then select the day of that month as the beginning date of the desired date range. The User will then click back into the date range section and repeat, selecting the end date of the desired date range (selecting a single date within the date range section will provide upload history, if applicable for that singe date selected). The User will then click outside of the date range section to initiate the date range specified, which will now show on the page and available for download.
Type - By clicking the green dropdown section (below the Upload Type field header), the User may customize / select the type(s) of upload (See Article: Updates - New Upload - General) desired for inquiry, both shown on screen as well as downloaded if applicable.
Total Records - Applicable primarily for Template uploads, displays the total amount of records (line items/Providers) included in that particular template upload. NOTE: Non-Template upload types will always show as 1 total.
Valid Records - Applicable primarily for Template uploads, displays the total amount of records (line items/Providers) included in that particular template upload that WERE compliant with the respective template formatting, field dictionary requirements and therefore successfully uploaded into Gemin1 for processing. NOTE: Non-Template upload types will always show as 1.
Invalid Records - Applicable primarily for Template uploads, displays the total amount of records (line items/Providers) included in that particular template upload that were NOT compliant with the respective template formatting, field dictionary requirements and therefore NOT successfully uploaded into Gemin1 for processing. NOTE: Non-Template upload types will always show as 1.
File - By clicking on the link shown in the File field, the User may see record of the actual template / pdf document uploaded by the Client User. The template / document will be shown with the actual naming of the template / pdf document uploaded by the Client User.
Results - By clicking on the link shown in the File field, the User may see the actual template information uploaded by the Client User with an indication for each line item, whether or not that line item was uploaded successfully OR the reason it was not uploaded successfully and thus requiring correction and re-upload (See Article: Template Correction - Re-Upload).
Search - Within the "Search By:..." section on the Provider Inventory report page, the User may search for an individual Provider. The suggested use for the Search feature is for speed and convenience in information look-up or taking actions offered within the Provider Inventory report. Searches may be performed by Name, NPI Number, CAQH number, Client ID or Social Security Number.
Sorting - By clicking on a particular report field header, the User may sort the upload history by that particular field of information. Multiple clicks on the report field header will result in ascending/descending ordering as desired by the User.