Updates - New Upload - Approvals - Single Submission (Non-Template)

The Approval Submission Upload page allows the User to enter the date for an individual Provider or HDO who has been Committee approved / Next Recredentialing Due Date for Gemini1 tracking and eventual processing of the Provider's Recredentialing application and primary source verification.  

Functionality available on the Approval Single Submission page are as follows:

** Approval Submission page is defaulted for uploads related to Provider.  Should the User wish to perform and Approval pertaining to an HDO, the User must toggle ON the HDO.

Search - Within the "Search By:..." section on the Approval Single Submission page, the User may search for an individual Provider for which the Provider's Approval is being performed.   Searches may be performed by Name, NPI Number, CAQH number, Client ID or Social Security Number.  Upon entry of search criteria, once the correct Provider is found, the User will click on the Provider record which will then populate the required Provider Name field.

Approval Date - The User will be required to enter the date that the Provider / HDO was Credentialing Committee approved by the Client.  The User may click into the Approval Date field and either key in the date (mm/dd/yyyy) or may utilize the calendar by first toggling left to choose a year and month, other than the current month and then select the day of that month of the Credentialing Committee approval date.  

Recredentialing Due Date - The User will be required to enter the date that the Provider / HDO is due next for Recredentialing.  The User may click into the Recredentialing Due Date field and either key in the date (mm/dd/yyyy) or may utilize the calendar by first toggling right to choose a year and month, other than the current month and then select the day of that month of the next Recredentialing due date.  

** If there are multiple  groups with which a Provider is affiliated within Alliance models, Managed Service Organizations (MSO) type Clients, the User may indicate the Approval / Recredentialing Due dates to be applied to those multiple groups by clicking into the Clients drop down bar and selecting all applicable Client Groups.  Therefore, it is not necessary for the User to upload the same Approval / Recredentialing Due dates multiple times for each Provider/HDO and Client Group. 

NOTE:  If a Client has not opted into Auto-Approval (if unsure, inquire directly with a Gemini representative), it is the sole responsibility of the Client to provide an Approval / Next Recredentialing Due date for any of its Providers in a "Complete" status.  Therefore, by sorting the Inventory Report by Status, the Client User may identify all Providers in a "Complete" status and therefore in need of an Approval / Next Recredentialing Due date.

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