Updates - New Upload - Preclusion List

CMS does not currently provide CVO access to Preclusion List publishing, it is the sole responsibility of the Client to provide to GDS, the most current CMS Preclusion List.  The Preclusion List Submission Upload page allows the User to upload the most current Medicare Preclusion List to be sourced by Gemini for applicable PSV crosscheck and/or Ongoing Sanction Monitoring.  

Preclusion List Upload - Upon readying of a Preclusion List Submission in the required comma-separated values file (.csv), exactly as provided by CMS, The REQUIRED naming convention is PreclusionList_yyyymm (i.e. PreclusionList_202108). If the correct naming convention is not used, the Preclusion List Submission will be rejected. Once readied and named, the User may then drag and drop (or by browsing and selecting from the User's internal library) into the upload template file area and click the Upload bar.  Thereafter, the User may (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) see the result of the Preclusion List Submission in the Updates-Upload History section of the Client Portal (See Updates-Upload History Article(s)).  All successfully uploaded Preclusion List Submission are implemented into Gemini's PSV crosscheck and/or Ongoing Sanction Monitoring within 24 hours.  

Date of File - User will be required to enter the CMS date of publication version of the Preclusion List being uploaded.