User Profile - Account Settings

The Gemini1 Client Portal offers the User the ability to customize preferences in regard to notifications (Email) upon particular actions that may occur during the credentialing process, contact information and security of individual User Account.  


First Name / Last Name - Name chosen by the User during set up of the account.  Name may be modified as preferred by the User, or as necessitated (i.e. maiden name. etc.).

Completed File Notifications - As a standard, upon completion of a Provider/HDO Initial and/or Recredentialing file, the completed Provider will be shown on the Completed Files report, as well as transferred to the Client via daily FTP transmission.  In addition, the User may select the option for notification upon completion of a file, either on an individual basis or in one daily summary or not at all.  By clicking in the first drop down under the COMPLETED FILE NOTIFICATIONS section, the User may choose to be notified of either Initial Credentialing files only, Recredentialing files only or All Files (both Initial Credentialing files AND Recredentialing files).   The User may then, by clicking in the second drop down under the COMPLETED FILE NOTIFICATIONS section, specify the frequency of the notification of completed files; individually each time a file is completed (Upon Completion); in one daily summary (A summary at the end of the day) or never a notification of a completed file (Do Not Send).

Red Flag Notifications - The User may select the option to receive notification of an adverse action(s) discovered by Gemini during the primary source verification (In Process status) process.  The notification of adverse actions during the PSV process, allows the User to preliminarily monitor Providers In Process, throughout the process, prior to receiving the completed file verification summary.  The User may, by clicking in the drop down, specify the frequency of the notification of red flag / adverse actions; individually upon identification by the Gemini specialist (Upon Discovery); in one daily summary (A summary at the end of the day) or never a notification of red flag / adverse actions (Do Not Send).

Potential Termination Notifications - The User may select the option to receive notification when Gemini has received information from Provider/Provider group administration of the Provider's potential termination from Client's network (i.e. retired, no longer practicing with the group, deceased, declined compliance with the credentialing process, etc.).   The User may, by clicking in the drop down, specify the frequency of the notification of potential termination; individually upon identification by Gemini staff (Upon Discovery); in one daily summary (A summary at the end of the day) or never a notification of potential termination (Do Not Send).  **Indication of a Provider's potential termination is also visible to the User within the Provider's individual record, as well as various reports (In Process, Provider Inventory, Completed Files, etc.).

Incomplete Applications Notifications - The User may select the option to receive notification when Gemini has completed a Provider's Initial or Recredentialing application with a verification element that was unable to be verified after up to four (4) Gemini requests/attempts with no response.   The User may, by clicking in the drop down, specify the frequency of the notification of incomplete applications returned; individually upon identification by Gemini staff (Upon Discovery); in one daily summary (A summary at the end of the day) or never a notification of potential termination (Do Not Send).  **Indication of a Provider's incomplete application returned is also visible to the User within the Provider's individual record, as well as the Completed Files report.

CAQH Notifications - For Clients utilizing the CAQH for the sourcing of their Provider credentialing applications, the User may select the option to receive notification when Gemini is unable to roster a provider on the CAQH.  The User may, by clicking in the drop down, specify the frequency of the notification of application unable to be obtained from the CAQH; individually upon identification by Gemini staff (Upon Discovery); in one daily summary (A summary at the end of the day) or never a notification of a provider to roster (Do Not Send).  **Indication of a Provider's unobtainable CAQH application and subsequent Provider outreach efforts, is also visible to the User within the Provider's individual record, as well as the Oustanding Application Requests report.

Recredentialing Due Report Notifications - The User may select the option to receive notification when Gemini published / made available the Client's monthly Recredentialing Due report, ready for the Client User's review, reconciliation and submission in the Recred Due report of the Portal Reports section.  The User may, by clicking in the drop down, specify the frequency of the notification of a newly published Recred Due; immediately upon publishing by Gemini (Upon publication); immediately upon publishing by Gemini AND subsequent reminder (weekly) to review, reconcile and submit (Upon publication with reminder) or never a notification of a new published Recred Due report (Do Not Send).  **Indication of a Provider's newly published Recred Due report, is also visible to the User in the Actions section on the Portal Dashboard, as well as the Current Reports section of the Recred Due report.

Sanction Monitoring Notifications - For Clients contracted for the performance of the Gemini Ongoing Sanction Monitoring service, the User may select the option to receive immediate notification upon Gemini 's identification of a possible source crosscheck Provider match.  The User may, by clicking in the drop down, specify the frequency of the notification of possible source crosscheck Provider match identified during the current month's sanction monitoring service; individually upon identification by Gemini staff (Upon Discovery); in one daily summary (A summary at the end of the day) or never a notification of possible source crosscheck Provider match (Do Not Send).  **Indication of a Provider's possible source crosscheck Provider match is also visible to the User within the Provider's individual record, as well as the Action Discovery  Reports within the Sanction Monitoring Reports section of the Client Portal.

Enable User Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - Multi-Factor Authentication is a security mechanism in which individuals are authenticated through more than one required security and validation procedure prior to accessing the Client Portal.   The User has the ability and option to self-require they follow a Multi-Factor Authentication process.  By toggling ON (Green) the ENABLE MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION, the User will be required to follow the Multi-Factor Authentication process upon log-in to the Client Portal.  Upon logging in, the Gemini Client Portal specific MFA will prompt the User to enter a code, which will be sent to the User's mobile phone number that was entered upon the User's initial profile set-up  **Should the User's MFA be activated as required by a Manager-level User,  the User will not have the option of toggling ENABLE MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION OFF (White/Gray) within their Account Settings

Remember This Browser - When Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled, toggling ON (Green) Remember this Browser, alleviates the User from being prompted for MFA upon every log-in occurrence from their current browser for 30 days. 

Search All Entities By DefaultFor those Clients with multiple groups affiliated within their organization  (Alliance models, Managed Service Organizations (MSO), etc.), a Provider may be individually searched among all Client affiliated groups, as opposed to switching accounts to search within each group the Provider may reside (see Provider Search - Look Up article).  If applicable, the User, by clicking in the Green drop down above the Search By section, select all, one or multiple groups affiliated with the Client in which to search for the Provider desired (check mark to the left of the Client group affiliation listing will indicate the group has been selected.   By toggling ON (Green) the SEARCH ALL ENTITIES BY DEFAULT, the User may set their account to search ALL affiliated Client groups by default.

Whitelist IPs - The User has the ability to register their specific IP Address as approved for access to the Gemini Client Portal.  If an IP Address(es) is specified, by default, subsequently any IP Address not included in the list will be denied access.  By clicking the Green Whitelist IPs section, the User will then enter their specified IP Address authorized for access and then click Add in the Green Add Section to the right of the IP Address entry section.  NOTE:  It is recommended that all Users consult their organization's IT Security Administration prior to whitelisting.

Deactivate Account - The User has the option to deactivate their own account in the event the User will no longer have the need to access the Client's Gemini1 Portal.  Account deactivation may also be performed by a Manager-level User within the Client's organization.

Email Update - The User may update the email address to which notifications will be sent.  This most commonly occurs when the User's organization moves to a different email exchange or domain.  Upon entering of the new password desired in the Enter new email section, the User must confirm the new email address by entering again in the Confirm email section and then click the Green Update bar.

Password Update - The User may change their Gemini1 Portal account password by entering the new password desired in the Password section, then the User must confirm the new password by entering again in the Confirm password section and then click the Green Update bar.

*Be sure to select Save & Continue after setting edits are made.