Reports - Outstanding Verifications
The Outstanding Verifications report is a real-time listing of all active Client Providers Also listed in the In Process report (currently in a state whereby the Provider application has been received by Gemini via CAQH download, directly returned from the Provider or User upload (Application Received Date); preliminarily deemed complete and currently attested and now in the data entry, primary source verification or QA review part of the process, along with status (see Reference - Gemini Status Definitions), identifying and other pertinent Provider information). However, the Outstanding Verifications not only lists all Client Providers an In Process status, but includes the actual verification(s) element that remains outstanding, along with how many attempts made, attempt contact information and a downloadable copy of the request notice sent to the Provider/3rd party verification source. As are all Gemini1 Reports, the Outstanding Verifications report is downloadable into Excel and/or .CSV formats. Report pages are paginated in order to navigate through the report on-screen.
*Suggested Report Usage / Purpose: Outstanding Verifications report typically serves to give the User a broader overview of the Client's Providers currently in process and the specific elements outstanding, avoiding the need to search that information by individually Provider record, which is also available. By downloading the Outstanding Verifications report into Excel, the User may sort by Provider group name, later attempts (3rd/4th), etc. in order to perform supplemental outreach to Providers who may be non-responsive to Gemini's outreach attempts. The User is equipped with contact information, consolidation, pertinent notes and even the actual request letter if requested by the Provider, upon Client's supplemental outreach. As with the In Process and Outstanding Application Requests reports, the Client can follow the credentialing/Recredentialing application through every step of its life-cycle and choose to take action prior to the potential of the return of an incomplete file should Gemini reach its 4th and final attempt.
Field Selection - By clicking the "# items selected" drop down, the User may customized the report fields to be viewed both on the Outstanding Verifications report page, as well as downloaded if applicable.
Upload Outstanding Verification - By clicking Upload Outstanding Verification, the User, upon potentially obtaining a missing verification element needed and shown on the report (i.e. current Professional Liability document), has the ability to upload the element within the Portal, directly to the Gemini PSV processing staff who will then update the Provider's record with the uploaded element/information (See Upload Article).
Verification Type Selection - By clicking in the dropdown in the Verification Type field header, the User may select the type of verification (multiple verification types may be selected) to be viewed on the Outstanding Verifications report (i.e. only outstanding Hospital and Residency verifications for Providers currently In Process), both on screen and in download to .csv / Excel.
Search - Within the "Search By:..." section on the Outstanding Verifications report page, the User may search for an individual Provider. The suggested use for the Search feature is for speed and convenience in information look-up or taking actions offered within the Outstanding Verifications report. Searches may be performed by Name, NPI Number, CAQH number, Client ID or Social Security Number.
Sorting - By clicking on a particular report field header, the User may sort the report by that particular field of information. Multiple clicks on the report field header will result in ascending/descending ordering as desired by the User.
Provider Record Selection - By double clicking within the row of a particular Provider, the User will be transferred to that Provider's individual record.
Mark Report as Favorite - By clicking the Star symbol next to the Search section of the Outstanding Verifications report, the User can choose the Outstanding Verifications report as a favorite shown on the User's dashboard for convenience in navigating directly to the Outstanding Verifications report from the dashboard.
Download - By clicking the hyperlink within the Provider line item, Download field, the User may download the letter sent to the Provider / 3rd party verification source, if applicable.