Reports - Provider Inventory

The Provider Inventory report is a complete, real-time listing of all active Client Providers currently within Gemini1 (Provider Inventory Report does not include terminated Providers), along with status (see Reference - Gemini Status Definitions), identifying and other pertinent Provider information.  As are all Gemini1 Reports, the Provider Inventory report is downloadable into Excel and/or .CSV formats.  Report pages are paginated in order to navigate through the report on-screen.

Field Selection - By clicking the "...items selected" drop down, the User may customize the report fields to be viewed both on the Provider Inventory report page, as well as downloaded if applicable.  

Search - Within the "Search By:..." section on the Provider Inventory report page, the User may search for an individual Provider.  The suggested use for the Search feature is for speed and convenience in information look-up or taking actions offered within the Provider Inventory report.  Searches may be performed by Name, NPI Number, CAQH number, Client ID or Social Security Number.

Sorting - By clicking on a particular report field header, the User may sort the report by that particular field of information.  Multiple clicks on the report field header will result in ascending/descending ordering as desired by the User.

Provider Record Selection - By double clicking within the row of a particular Provider, the User will be transferred to that Provider's individual record.

Mark Report as Favorite - By clicking the Star symbol next to the Search section of the Provider Inventory Report, the User can choose the Provider Inventory Report as a favorite shown on the User's dashboard for convenience in navigating directly to the Provider Inventory Report from the dashboard.

Actions To Take - The Action to Take drop down offers the User various actions that can be taken on a particular Provider's record.  Actions available may be dependent on the Provider's status in Gemini1.

Stop Credentialing - By selecting Stop Credentialing, the User will completely stop the PSV process (verification request, Provider/3rd Party outreach, etc.).  Thereafter, the User will be obligated to either approve (Client has processed the Provider credentialing in-house) or terminate the Provider.   NOTE:  Once the Stop Credentialing is selected, the Provider's PSV process may not be restarted at a later time, from the point that the PSV process was originally stopped.  Should the User wish to restart the PSV process at a later date, the User will be required to resubmit a new Provider application (See Upload Article) request. Therefore, the Stop Credentialing option should not be selected should the User wish to pause the credentialing process.  In this case, it is recommended that the User contact Gemini for instruction on how to proceed.

Termination - By selecting Terminate Provider, the User may terminate that Provider, which requires a termination date entered and a stated reason for termination (optional). 

Approve - By selecting Approve, the User may enter the date the Provider was Committee approved / Next Recredentialing Due Date for Gemini1 tracking and eventual processing of the Provider's Recredentialing application and primary source verification.  NOTE:  If a Client has not opted into Auto-Approval (inquire directly with a Gemini representative), it is the sole responsibility of the Client to provide an Approval / Next Recredentialing Due date for any of its Providers in a "Complete" status.  Therefore, by sorting the Inventory Report by Status, the Client User may identify all Providers in a "Complete" status and therefore in need of an Approval / Next Recredentialing Due date.

Reschedule Recred - By selecting Reschedule Recred, the User may change the Next Recredentialing Due currently showing in Gemini1.  Once Reschedule Recred is selected the User must click into the "recredentialing due" bubble below and select the new Next Recredentialing Due within the calendar (month/year may be toggled right).   NOTE:  The User may only reschedule a Provider to a future date and should not reschedule to a month of a Recredentialing Due report already published.

*Be sure to select "SAVE" after Actions are made.