Provider Search - Credentialing

By clicking the Credentialing page provides a Provider's current status (In-Process, Application Request, etc.), along with progress details within the application gather and/or primary source verification process.

Actions / Functionality Available on the Credentialing page:

Termination - By selecting Terminate Provider, the User may terminate that Provider, which requires a termination date entered and a stated reason for termination (optional). 

Fast Track - By selecting Fast Track while a Provider is in an In Process status, the User may change the processing of the Provider PSV from standard to expedited.  This may result in an additional charge to the file processing fee, therefore the User should consult the Agreement fee structure and service details prior to triggering the Fast Track service on the Credentialing page. 

High Priority - By selecting High Priority while a Provider is in an In Process status, the User may change the processing priority of the Provider's PSV ahead of other Client applications that may have been submitted previously.  This will not result in an additional charge to the file processing fee. Processing schedule and follow up attempts are not expedited when a Provider application is chosen as High Priority, as will be when the Provider application is chosen as Fast Track.

Stop Credentialing - By selecting Stop Credentialing, the User will completely stop the PSV process (verification request, Provider/3rd Party outreach, etc.).  Thereafter, the User will be obligated to either approve (Client has processed the Provider credentialing in-house) or terminate the Provider.   NOTE:  Once the Stop Credentialing is selected, the Provider's PSV process may not be restarted at a later time, from the point that the PSV process was originally stopped.  Should the User wish to restart the PSV process at a later date, the User will be required to resubmit a new Provider application (See Upload Article) request. Therefore, the Stop Credentialing option should not be selected should the User wish to pause the credentialing process.  In this case, it is recommended that the User contact Gemini for  instruction on how to proceed.

Verified Entity Image Download - By clicking on the Oculus icon, the verification documentation that pertains to the Verification Entity targeted, will appear for viewing and/or download.

Verified Entity/Not Yet Verified Entity Attempts - By clicking on the clock icon within the targeted Verification Entity, the User can view any applicable attempts made for the targeted Verification Entity, along with attempt details (number of attempts, method of attempt, pertinent notes pertaining to the attempt, pdf image of the attempt request letter/communication sent).

Not Yet Verified Entity Waive - By clicking on the exclamation point icon within the targeted Verification Entity, the User can waive the verification, essentially communicating to G1 that the targeted Verification Entity is no longer needing to be verified.

Download Completed File - If the Provider has had the Initial or Recredentialing application and primary source verification process completed, the "Download" option is available. By clicking "Download", the User may download the full completed file (Cover/Summary reports, applications, verifications, etc.) in PDF format. NOTE:  Currently the downloading of completed files in PDF format does not coincide with specified date range, therefore unlike the completed file standard data extract, completed files may only be downloaded individually.  However, completed files pdfs are available for transfer in bulk on a daily basis via sFTP transfer.  Please consult your internal IT department for assistance in set-up of a daily completed files FTP transfer which may be facilitated in the Management/FTP Settings section on the Client Portal (See Management-FTP  Settings).