Provider Search - Addresses
The Provider Addresses page contains addresses specifically associated with the Client and which will be utilized for Provider update outreach attempts.
Editable Fields available on the Addresses page are as follows:
Existing Associated Addresses - By selecting the specific Address from the list of Client Associated Addresses on the left of the page, the coinciding, full detail of the Address selected will show on the Address page. By then selecting "Edit", the User may edit various fields in the address / contact information shown within the specific Address record, with more current, or edit the Address Type as Primary, Credentialing, Expireable-specific, etc. as applicable.
Delete Associated Addresses - By selecting the specific Address from the list of Client Associated Addresses on the left of the page, the coinciding, full detail of the Address selected will show on the Address page. By then selecting "Delete", the User may delete the entire Address.
Adding Associated Addresses - By selecting "+ Add New Address" at the bottom of the list of Client Associated Addresses on the left of the page, the User may select an Address that exists in the Provider's general G1 record repository and/or if not found, create, add and associate a new Address by selecting "Create New".
*Be sure to select "SAVE" after edits / additions are made.