Provider Search - Client
The Provider Individual record Client page presents to the User, Provider information that specifically pertains to their organization (contracted specialty, role, next Recredentialing due date, ID#, etc.) and which may differ from more Provider specific and shared fields (i.e, Provider's Education/Training, Work History, etc.). Additionally, the Client page provides history of past Credentialing Cycles (if applicable), along with other functionality also available in other areas of the Portal.
Editable Fields available on the Client page are as follows:
Provider/Client specific Email - To be used for all Provider correspondence
Primary / Sub-Specialty - Provider related specialty(s) specifically contacted by your organization
Client Designation - Client-Provider contracted role (PCP, Specialist, Allied, etc.)
Client ID Number - Client specific identification number
*Be sure to select "SAVE" after edits are made.
Functionality available on the Client page are as follows:
Termination - By selecting "Terminate Provider", the User may terminate that Provider, which requires a termination date entered and a stated reason for termination (optional).
Approval - By selecting "Approve", the User may enter the date the Provider was Committee approved / Next Recredentialing Due Date for Gemini1 tracking and eventual processing of the Provider's Recredentialing application and primary source verification.
Potential Termination - Selecting "Potential Termination" will pause all further Gemini-Provider outreach (application request, PSV, Expirables), in the event the Client / User has been notified directly by the Provider / Office Administration of possible termination. Potential Termination may be turned off, after activation which will resume all Gemini-Provider outreach applicable. NOTE: Files in "In Process" status will be closed and returned to the Client as incomplete after a limited period of time if Potential Termination is not turned off by User.
Leave of Absence - Selecting "Leave of Absence" will pause all further Gemini-Provider outreach (application request, PSV, Expirables), in the event the Client / User has been notified directly by the Provider / Office Administration of a Provider's LOA. Leave of Absence may be turned off, after activation which will resume all Gemini-Provider outreach applicable.
Credentialing History - Select the historical Initial/Recredentialing Cycle(s) with the ability to see all detail and activity, as well as download individual verifications and whole completed file pdf.